What Is A Positive Image And Why Is It Important?
Your Image Determines Your Success
By Karynne Summars
Photo by Brooke Lark
Determined by your appearance, behavior, character, and your social skills, your image can make or break you because it follows you into your professional and personal life.
Our first impression of a person is formed within seconds. Believe it or not, you are on a virtual stage every day being observed, listened to, and judged. I am not talking about a higher power, but about regular people who may have an influence on your success.
If you have personal or professional relationship issues, which repeat themselves over and over, it may be a sign of a flawed image. What people perceive when they encounter you may turn them off and you may therefore be unable to establish good relationships or get the jobs you want. However, it’s not too late to turn it around. You can change and evolve. It’s just a matter of the right mindset and commitment as well as admitting that you may need some help. Being honest with yourself about your shortcomings is the first step to improvement. I am not the person I was five years ago. I constantly work on myself and I even reinvented myself professionally transitioning from a corporate finance banker to an author, screenwriter, producer, and magazine editor.
Why I Created The ImageMakers & Influencers Magazine
Unlike other personal development blogs, which typically focus on one specific area, this one addresses a person’s entire life ranging from appearance to health, image, financial responsibility, relationships, humanitarian, and other related topics.
Many people are in a rut and/or are lacking a good mentor. After having been asked by friends and acquaintances to assist them in various life situations and become a mentor, I decided to create this online magazine to reach a broader audience and help people lead a more satisfying and creative life. I believe that helping people to get a more satisfying life will ultimately result in a better world and reduce envy as well as violence by creating collaboration towards a common goal.
Our Target Audience
Anyone stuck in life looking for ways to improve and lead a more fulfilling, healthy and interesting life. Specifically, readers in need of empowerment and inspiration who need direction and guidance on how to get out of a rut and how to develop positive mutually rewarding relationships and life situations.
Due to the positive reinforcement and clear guidance, people with anxiety and depression may also benefit from our straightforward advice, positive thought process and entertaining approach.
I am rooting for you and hope you will visit us on a regular basis to become the amazing person everybody wants to have in their life.
I know you have many choices of what to read, so thank you for your time and consideration in stopping by and taking one step closer to a completely different life.