Posts in Lifestyle
Protect Yourself Inside and Out

Protection is a learned skill. It takes practice and consistent training to be good at it and to stay good at it. But it’s not about living in fear. It’s about awareness and preparation. Living in fear of a physical intrusion or violation does not make us more aware. It does the opposite because we can’t see beyond the fear.

Even as a young woman, I thought the Secret Service was a team worth playing for, but I didn’t think I could ever earn a spot on the team because of my personal deficiencies. I wasn’t big enough, strong enough, experienced enough, and more. It wasn’t until I was given a chance to earn my spot on the team that I realized I did have the ability to do the job. It was a hard job to earn, but I was too stubborn to quit, and that attitude got me far. I had a lot of fight in me.

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How The Secret Service Changed My Life

Personal security is valued by everyone in one way or another. Whether we realize it or not, we are always trying to keep ourselves safe. We’ve been wearing masks and taking precautionary measures to protect ourselves during a global pandemic. We can’t turn on the news without media outlets giving us lists of ways to protect ourselves from cyber scams and other undesirable intrusions into our lives. The desire for safety is human nature.

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March Is Women's History Month

I never knew how strong my mother was until I realized what a beautiful life she had put together for my sister and me under not the easiest of circumstances at times. She had seen war as a child, went from no significant job into a marriage leading to a divorce 23 years later to becoming a successful personal banker at Germany’s largest bank. All while being the most loving and supportive mother anyone can imagine.

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What the Happiest, Most Successful People Know (and Do) About Their Personal and Professional Desires

The happiest, most successful people – and by this, I mean the people who actually fulfill their desires rather than being frustrated by them year after year. I mean the people who create positive change in their lives instead of just talking about those changes. By happy and successful, I’m referring to those who have learned to take the unwanted experiences that life sends their way and use them to clarify and go after what they really do want.

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How To Prevent People From Limiting Our Desires

Variety is the spice of life. It’s funny how we have no trouble accepting this concept when it comes to the variety of flavors in the foods we enjoy. But somehow this principle becomes infinitely more complicated to embrace when applied to the differences between ourselves and the important people in our lives.

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The Number One Desire that People are Guilt-ed Into Not Desiring or Deserving

“Life isn’t supposed to be all fun and games!” How many times did you hear that, or some version of it, growing up?If you’re like the vast majority of people, you received this message plenty. The basic idea is that hard work and sacrifice are the price we have to pay if we want to be successful, happy, “good” people. This message was drilled into our heads by well-meaning parents and teachers, and later by bosses, religious leaders and even friends.And in all this conditioning, the number one desire we feel the most guilty about pursuing is the basic human desire to feel good.

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3 Ways To Shatter The Glass Ceiling

There are three ways in life we invest in. Time, money, and people. For women, we spend most of our lives building relationships. We shy away from money, but now is the time to own the money and earn more of it. The money conversation has been a taboo topic to talk about among friends and family, yet every aspect of our lives are impacted by money. What would it feel like to get paid your true worth, to know your worth, and for people to happily pay you?

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