Love Yourself First

It’s Valentine’s Weekend 2020. If you are struggling with this “holiday”, you either lost your other half/loved one in some way or are most likely single looking for Mr. or Mrs. Right.

This article is geared towards the single people looking for love as grief over a lost loved one is a totally different subject that I’ll address in a future article.

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The dating scene is tough these days, especially in big cities where an abundance of people is available to date. Not everyone is looking for a serious commitment, though, many rather want to “date around”, so to speak.

Before you go out looking for that special person to spend the rest of your life with, take a good look at yourself and make any necessary improvements because the competition is stiff and you need to stand out in today’s dating world.

Let’s start with this. If you don’t love yourself first, you can’t love another person. Don’t look for another person to make you happy and feel good about yourself. No one can do that for you. Any such feeling will be short- lived if you don’t love and accept yourself deep down. Having an appreciation for yourself will boost your confidence, and confidence is a major asset to have. It will attract the right people to you. Even the externally most beautiful people who lack confidence will have problems in his/her relationships, be it personal or business relationships because they will always question themselves. A confident person will not ask him or herself if other people they meet will like them. A confident person will ask him/herself, “will I like the people I am going to meet today?”

So take a good look at yourself and write down how you see yourself. Make a list of all things you like about yourself externally and internally in one column and in the other write down what you don’t like about yourself.

Start with your apparel and communication style. Do you like how you dress or do you think you may need some help in that area? We’ll have an article about image development coming soon. So if you think you need help, this might be a good one for you to look out for.

How do you communicate with other people? Do you feel comfortable talking to other people? Especially, to people you’ve never met before? Do you know how to introduce yourself properly, how to make small talk and carry on an interesting conversation? How do you believe another person would perceive you? You might be surprised to find out that this person sees you completely different than you thought either in a positive or negative way.

Do you ever compare yourself to other people? If yes, why? What are the results? Do you come out better than the other person or does the other person have advantages over you? If you think you need to improve in certain areas, do so but do not try to become someone else just a better you. We are all unique and copying another person may backfire and who wants to be a copy of someone anyway?

What would you like to improve? Start with one thing at a time and work on improving in that area until you have worked on the entire list. Practice how to respect others, be loyal and share with others.

In today’s world, there are so many opportunities for personal development. So if you need any help with becoming confident and an amazing person others would love to be around, do yourself a favor and read good personal and image development books or hire a qualified life coach to help you get started. You will never go broke investing in yourself.

Please be patient with yourself. Changes occur gradually and everyone improves at a different pace. Visualize achieving your personal development goals every day. When thoughts of doubt come up, tune them out. Believe that you will succeed to become the person you want to be. Reassure yourself to move onward and upward. Fall in love with yourself so that the future Mrs. or Mr. Right can do so, too.

Prepare your personal biography as well as your personal mission and vision statement and practice to communicate it confidently to anyone asking, “tell me a little bit about you. What are you passionate about?” People like people who have a mission and vision in life rather than just drifting through life hoping someone will come and save them. Don’t let this be you. Write your mission and vision statement today! It will help you to define yourself.

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To become an interesting person, broaden your horizon by following current events, watching international news stations or reading international news online to give you more material to talk about what’s going on in the world.

Love Interests and Personal Relationships

When it comes to love and relationships here are a few things to consider.

Everyone wants to be loved and appreciated and every relationship has its give and take.

Who is the person you love the most? Have you ever thought about how you may affect that person? Write down everything you would do for this person and then ask yourself if this person would do the same for you. If not, you need to explore why not and address it.

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Happy Valentine’s weekend, and always remember that love is a force that overcomes all obstacles. So love yourself first.

Excerpt from the book “Your Image Determines Your Success” by Karynne Summars, Editor-in-Chief

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