Do Children's Lives Matter?
By Stephanie Mann
Crime and Violence Prevention Consultant
“There is no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which we treat its children.”
-Nelson Mandela
Image by Yannis H via Unsplash
Society is us, not just elected officials. America’s future is in peril because children have been ignored, neglected and abused as family and neighborhood support deteriorated. We see the destructive results with many young people lacking a moral foundation which include the 3 C’s: Courage, Character and a self-protective Conscience.
Today’s angry youth are looting, setting fires, destroying businesses and disrespecting police as they intimidate city leaders into ignoring violent behavior. Without consequences, “followers” (youth without an identity) join in with the attitude, “I’m going to get what I want, and I don’t care about anyone else.” Abuse and helicopter parenting create “followers” who lack self-discipline, self-awareness and self-worth.
Statistics tell us about the plight of American children:
- Cost of child abuse and neglect...$220 Million A DAY! (Source:
- Cost of gangs, average age 14...$200 Billion a year! (Source:
- Cost of drug abuse...$1 Trillion a year! (Source: Psychology Today)
- Cost of human trafficking, average age 13...$32 Billion a year! (Source: Human Rights First)
- Cost of youth suicide...$58.4 Billion a year! (Source:
We must discuss the high cost to families and taxpayers. So how can we demonstrate that Children’s Lives Matter?
Americans Are Witnessing A Spiritual Crisis
Politician, community leaders and citizens must put children first! We don’t allow children to bully in schools so why are city leaders allowing bullies to injure 400+ police officers and destroy public and private property without condemning their actions?
Our Founding Fathers understood the power of the human spirit and without self-discipline, democracy will fade and dependency will grow. Freedom allows people to thrive and grow strong as they take responsibility for their behavior. If we are going to remain a free society, we must start discussing how to maintain Freedom. We destroy ourselves if we allow public and private citizens to ignore emotion, pain and violent behavior.
Over the last 50 years, the family structure gradually broke down. Government warehoused low income people in socially isolating projects. Religion slipped into the background and disappeared from the conversation at home, in schools and in the community. “Love thy Neighbor” was replaced with social isolation. We turned neighborhood safety over to police. Police power grew as neighbors became disconnected and crime increased. Over the years, we failed to notice abuse of power by police and politicians. Big government tried to fix us and sent billions of dollars into cities which fueled corruption!
Police and big government cannot keep children safe. Police react to crime! Connected citizens can prevent crime, gangs, drugs, violent behavior and the need for a gun culture. “We the People” can empower families and neighborhoods to protect youth.
Freedom Gives Americans The Ability to Achieve Their Dreams.
Democracy thrives through individual determination and initiative. America produced an abundance of inventors, scientists, writers, chemists, musicians, physicists, writers, engineers and successful businesses. Individual responsibility, family and community support strengthened Americans.
To restore American values, we need a spiritual awakening!
How many churches, youth groups and community organizations are in your city? There are 350,000 responsible churches in the US. Let’s encourage them to work together to keep children safe.
Citizen involvement is the key to protecting children. Connected neighbors build trust and become a network of support around children. “It takes a village,” to reduce anger toward police and stop the social isolation that leads to violence, racism, drug abuse, domestic violence, child abuse and crime.
Suggested Reading: “Alternative to Fear: Guidelines for safe neighborhoods”
How one city with 16,500 residents reduced crime by 48% without a local police department.
We can restore the heart of our cities and set the example of “Love Thy Neighbor” which will increase religious attendance as we fill the needs of the people. Encourage church and civic volunteers to assist neighborhood families, not to proselytize but to bring neighbors together. The faith community can restore America’s power, block by block.
Image by Etienne Boulanger via Unsplash
Responsible religions offer encouragement and help us look within, live our values and understand that inner power develops self-esteem, self-determination and self-confidence. Faith encourages, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” and a self-protective conscience can keep us honest, safe and healthy.
Families and politicians will see the power of God’s love in action. Americans will no longer see government as their savior. Love conquers all and keeps children safe!
“Safety and security don’t just happen; they are the result of collective consensus and public investment. We owe our children, the most valuable citizens in society, a life free of violence and fear.”
-Nelson Mandela
Stephanie L. Mann is a Crime and Violence Prevention Consultant and the Author of Empowerment Parenting: How to raise resilient children who become happy, self-reliant adults
Ph.: 925-451-3654
Resources Available here:
Adopt-A-Block Guidebook and My First Steps to a Safe Neighborhood
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